Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Texas Saguaro: Two Years Later

I went back to Texas for another visit a few weeks ago and got a chance to check up on the saguaro in my parent's backyard. My how it's grown!

Here's how tall it was in 2009:
Quite a few inches short of the fence line
In 2010:
At the fence line
In 2011:
Above the fence line
Looks to me like it's grown at least a foot, maybe even a foot and a half. I guess the weather in Texas is agreeing with it!

Friday, September 23, 2011

I Meet the Little Belgian Detective - 100 Word Short Story


I have a run-in with my favorite fictional character, Hercule Poirot.

Me: "Help! Help!"
HP: "May I be of some assistance, madam?"
Me: "That man stole my purse!"
HP: I see. Well do not trouble your pretty little face. Hercule Poirot will use his little grey cells to track down the thief!"
Me: "We don't need to use your little grey cells, because that's him right there! The man running with a ladies purse!"
HP: "Mon dieu, then we should catch this villain!"
Me: "Hurry, he's getting away!"
HP: "..."
Me: "Aren't you going after him?"
HP: "..."
Me: "Right, sorry I asked. Could you hold my shoes? I can't run in heels."
HP: "Certainement! Anything for you, dear lady!
Me: *Eyeroll*


Writer's Digest Writing Prompt:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"You and I" - A 250 Word Short Story

Music is playing in the darkness. We stop to listen. “Where’s it coming from?” I ask. We’ve taken our moonlight walks on this same path for years but have never before heard music.

“That way,” you say, pointing in to the woods. You take a step in that direction but I hesitate.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I am imagining all the dark and scary things that the woods can hide.

“Listen closer.”

I close my eyes and concentrate. A few seconds later they fly open again. “That’s our song,” I say, grinning like a fool. You offer your hand. I take it and we race through the darkness, tripping on roots and stumbling over dead branches but somehow never falling. As we get close I can make out a clearing, lit up by a lantern floating between two trees. We step in to its light to find an elegantly laid table with champagne and dessert, and a stereo nearby with our song on repeat.

“Happy anniversary,” you say, holding me close.

“It’s amazing. I can’t believe it! How could you do all this without me knowing? How did you get a table out in the middle of the woods? Did you have help?” I look around.

“No more questions,” you say, gently turning my face towards yours. “It’s just you and I.” We kiss and I lay my head on your chest as we sway to the music that floats softly by.


The prompt for this was to write a story that begins with the first line of my favorite song, which is currently "You and I" by Queen. I expanded on the prompt by also incorporating some of the imagery from the lyrics as well as the last line. You can listen to the song below.